Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Application Requirement:

1. Application is open to international students of UPM who are currently enrolling in a Masters (by research) or PhD programme. However, they are required to fulfill the following conditions:

i) Registered as a UPM student and the current status of study is “Good standing”;
ii) Have not exceeded 3 semesters of study for the Masters and 5 semesters for the PhD programmes at the time of submission of application;
iii) The application must be supported by Advisor/Chairman of the Supervisory Committee and the Dean of faculty/Director of Institute.

2. The following students are not eligible to apply:
i) Student with a Probation status
ii) Student who have deferred their study
iii) Student who under a split postgraduate programme

3. International applicants must comply with the English Language requirements by providing one of the following as evidence:
i) IELTS (band 6) ; or
ii) TOEFL Paper Test - minimum score 550; Computer Test –minimum score 213; Internet Test – minimum score 79-80;or
iii) English Placement Test - Pass ; or
iv) English course BBI2418 - Pass

4. The applicant must not be a recipient of any other form of financial support or scholarship/ fellowship or engaged in any type of employment during the tenure of the fellowship.

5. Application received after the deadline will not be processed
Provisions of the Fellowship
The successful applicant will be:

i) provided with a monthly stipend of RM1,700.00 for a PhD programme and RM1,500.00 for a Master programme
ii) exempted from paying tuition fee which will be borne by the University. The exemption
amount are as follow:
Master :
- Medical :RM1,200.00
- Science : RM900.00
- Social Science :RM700.00
PhD :
- Medical :RM1,200.00
- Science : RM900.00
- Social Science :RM700.00
Duration of the Fellowship
PhD programme : Maximum 6 semesters
Master programme : Maximum 4 semesters

Conditions of Sponsorship:
1. The fellowship shall be withdrawn immediately if a recipient is found to be also a recipient of any other form of financial support or scholarship/ fellowship or engaged in any type of employment during the tenure of the fellowship.

2. A recipient (of the Fellowship) who defers his/her study shall have the monthly stipend withdrawn.

3. A recipient shall assist in the teaching/tutoring/supervising final year students and/or laboratory classes for a period of 4 hours/week (for Masters programme) or 6 hours/week (for PhD programme) including during semester breaks.

4. A recipient is required to conduct his/her research in Malaysia only.

5. A recipient must maintain good performance and semester status „continue‟. The scholarship will be terminated if the semester status is probation.

6. A recipient in a Masters programme must produce and publish at least 1 cited journal article while a recipient on a PhD programme 2 cited journal articles before completing his course of study . The recipient who fails to fulfill this requirement will be considered to have breached the contract.

7. A recipient is required to sign an Intellectual Property Agreement with the University.

8. A recipient is required to record his/her daily attendance at the University. At the end of every month, the record must be verified by the Advisor/Supervisor and must be submitted not later than the 2nd day of the following month to the Deputy Dean Postgraduate)/Deputy Director (Postgraduate) of the Faculty/Institute.

9. A recipient is only allowed to take leave for a maximum of 2 days per month with the prior approval of his/her supervisor. Any recipient who fails to record his/her attendance at the University or takes leave for more than 2 days/month, with or without the prior approval of his/her supervisor, shall have his/her allowance deducted according to the rates shown below:

a. Master – RM68.00/day
b. PhD - RM77.00/day

10. Any recipient who fails to record his/her attendance at the University or who is on leave for more than 10 days per month, will have his/her allowance for that month not be paid.

11. A recipient whose study has been upgraded to a PhD programme is entitled to the provisions provided for PhD students.

12. A recipient who fails to comply with the terms in the agreement shall be considered to have breached the contract and will be required to repay all costs and expenses due to the University including tuition fees that were previously waived.

13. A recipient with the recommendation of his/her supervisor and Deputy Dean/Director may be allowed to take leave more than 2 day but not exceeding 10 day in a month within the same semester for the reason due to an emergency, his/her health problems, UPM‟s interest, or/and Malaysia‟s interest. Application for approval should be addressed to the Dean, School of Graduate Studies. The facility can only be used once per semester.

14. A recipient is required to put in 8 hours a day from Monday to Friday.

15. A recipient is required to submit information regarding the requirement to assist in teaching once per semester not later than the specified due date.

Application Guidelines:
The following document should be submitted with your application: International Graduate Research Fellowship Application Form (IGRF) (UPM/TNCAA/PS/GS-43) A copy of your Passport. A copy of Admission Offer Letter (new students only) or latest semester result (for continuing students).
For enquiries please contact Mrs. Herni Mat Sibi/Mrs. Noraini Abu Bakar/Ms. Siti Noorazura Abdul Rahim/Mr. Izzudin Abdullah at 03-89464224.

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